Bill Lewis

Bill Lewis - by Eva Cerolini

My family lived with Bill when we first arrived at Kimberton Hills. Bill was sick at the time, and taking care of him in such special circumstances helped us to bond in a special way. Someone once told me that when Bill was younger he had a fiery temper. We met at a time when he was much more mellow but with unusual determination.

This is what I would say when I think about Bill: kind, always willing to be helpful, proud of his work, with a strong connection to family but, equally, to Camphill.

Bill has a wonderful relationship to the estate work and especially with former coworker John Tower. John always found just the right task for Bill, including painting items Bill made or helped make, such as birdhouses and benches. Bill also volunteered with John at a local nursing home, and still helps our ‘bird lady,’ Marilyn Michalski, caretaking many bluebird and swallow houses.

Bill has a great sense of humor. I would say: ‘Bill, what about living in the chicken coop?’ He would laugh and say: ‘Oh, stop it, Eva!!’  He would say to Sue, often: ‘Sue, are you doing the cha-cha?’ And I would reply: ‘Bill, are you doing the cha-cha?’ And we would all laugh together.

What has been surprising and has really warmed my heart is the friendship that Bill has made with our son, Joseph. When we first arrived Bill instantly showed an interest in him, and they became best buddies. Joseph trusted and respected him. Bill would help me to care for him at busy times and would persuade him to cooperate when I was not succeeding. 

Bill’s family has, in fact, bonded with us; his mother Norma who still supports Camphill and Bill, despite her not so tender age, and his brothers Jim and Jeff. We miss Bill now that he has moved to Kerria, but are happy to see him every week as he is our guest at our dinner table on Wednesday!


Emily and Derrick


Andy Abramowitz